2.2. Operator's Products and Services

2.2. Operator's Products and Services

The Storage System Operator offers the following services to the Storage System Users in accordance with the provisions of the the Storage Code (Offical Gazette 50/18)Amendments to the Storage Code (Offical Gazzete 26/20)Amendments of the Storage Code (Offical Gazzete 58/21) and Amendments of the Storage Code (Offical Gazzete 111/22).
  1. Standard bundled unit (SBU) as a firm service
  2. Individual frim services:
    • working volume;
    • firm injection capacity;
    • firm withdrawal capacity.
  3. Individual interruptible lease services:                      
    • interruptible not-nominated injection capacity on a daily basis
    • interruptible not-nominated withdrawal capacity on a daily basis
  4. Non-standard services   
    • The Operator offers the lease service of the standard bundled unit (abbreviation: SBU) as a firm service on an annual basis, for a maximum period of five storage years (exceptionally for three years for the first regulation period or rather for 2016/2017).
    • The standard bundled unit – bundle of working volume in the amount of 50 GWh with the associated dependence curves of withdraw and injection capacity on the gas volume stored in a certain moment.
    • As part of the contracted SBU use, and in accordance with the associated injection and withdrawal curve, the Storage System User is entitled to:
    • - nominate the contracted firm injection capacity in the injection cycle or withdrawal capacity in the withdrawal cycle, depending on the volume of stored gas at a specific moment;
    • - nominate up to the amount of the contracted maximum injection or withdrawal capacity, during which the right to use the capacity above the point on the associated curve will be realised on an interruptible basis
    • - virtual nomination up to the amount of the contracted maximum injection capacity or maximum withdrawal capacity, during which the right to use the capacity is realised on an interruptible basis;
    • The contracted working volume is the maximum quantity of natural gas which can be stored throughout the duration of the contracted service, and is expressed in kWh.
    • The contracted injection capacity is the maximum gas quantity expressed in kWh/day which can be injected in a gas day under conditions form Article 20 Paragraph 1 of the Storage Code, and which varies depending on the current quantity of stored gas of each individual Storage System User, which is defined by the Contracted Service Confirmation.
    • The contracted withdrawal capacity is the maximum gas quantity expressed in kWh/day which can be withdraw in a gas day under conditions form Article 20 Paragraph 1 of the Storage Code, and which varies depending on the current quantity of stored gas of each individual Storage System User, which is defined by the Contracted Service Confirmation.
    • The associated injection and withdrawal curve defines the maximum injection/withdrawal capacity in a specific moment for each Storage System User during the use of the contracted service, which depends on the gas quantity which the user has stored at that time.
    • After receiving the SBU booking Request, the Storage System Operator conducts a SBU allocation procedure according to previously defined regulations prescribed in the published the Storage Code (Offical Gazette 50/18)Amendments to the Storage Code (Offical Gazzete 26/20)Amendments of the Storage Code (Offical Gazzete 58/21) and Amendments of the Storage Code (Offical Gazzete 111/22).
    • After the SBU Allocation Procedure is finished the Storage System Operator delivers to Users the Standard Storage Agreement with the corresponding Contracted Service Confirmation
  2. INDIVIDUAL FIRM LEASE SERVICES of working volume, firm injection capacity or firm
    • individual service of firm working volume lease – individual service on the basis of which the user contracts the lease of working volume for a certain time period;
    • firm injection capacity – individual service on the basis of which the Storage System User achieves the right to use contracted injection capacities whose use cannot be interrupted or restricted by the Storage System Operator, expect in situations prescribed by current legal regulations;
    • firm withdrawal capacity – individual service on the basis of which the Storage System User achieves the right to use contracted withdrawal capacities whose use cannot be interrupted or restricted by the Storage System Operator, expect in situations prescribed by current legal regulations;
    • Additionally contracted individual firm lease service of working volume does not change the amount of the previously contracted maximum daily injection capacity or maximum daily withdrawal capacity.
    • After contracting the individual firm lease service of working volume, the Storage System Operator will update the existing Storage System user the original dependence curve of the injection and withdrawal capacity on the volume of stored gas in a specific moment and this will be defined in the Contracted Service Confirmation.
    • Additionally contracted individual lease service of firm injection and/or withdrawal capacity changes the initial value of the previously contracted daily injection and/or withdrawal capacity. 
    • After contracting the individual lease service of firm injection and/or withdrawal capacity, the Storage System Operator will update the existing Storage System user the original dependence curve of the injection and withdrawal capacity on the volume of stored gas in a specific moment and this will be defined in the Contracted Service Confirmation.
    • Booking forms for individual firm services you can find at 3.1.
    • The Storage System Operator offers to the existing Storage System Users, who have contracted a SBU (hereinafter: SBU), these individual interruptible lease services:
    • interruptible not-nominated injection capacity on a daily basis
    • interruptible not-nominated withdrawal capacity on a daily basis
    • The Operator offers the service to use the interruptible not-nominated capacity on a daily basis which allows the Users to use on an interruptible basis the injection or withdrawal capacity which is not used by other Users.
    • The Storage System Operator has the right to terminate or restrict the provision of individual interruptible services.
    • The Storage System Operator will assign the right to use interruptible not-nominated injection capacity or interruptible withdrawal capacity on a daily basis after accepting the nomination for the use of contracted firm services.
    • Interruptible not-nominated injection capacity on a daily basis - a service on the basis of which the Storage System User achieves the right to nominate injection capacities which haven't been contracted, and whose use can be partially or completely restricted by the Storage System Operator.
    • Interruptible not-nominated withdrawal capacity on a daily basis - a service on the basis of which the Storage System User achieves the right to nominate withdrawal capacities which haven't been contracted, and whose use can be partially or completely restricted by the Storage System Operator.
    • The Storage System User realises his right to nominate injection capacities and/or withdrawal capacities which haven't been contracted by contracting interruptible not-nominated injection capacity and/or not-nominated withdrawal capacity on a daily basis.
    •  The Storage System Operator will assign the right to use interruptible not-nominated injection capacity or interruptible not-nominated withdrawal capacity on a daily basis on the basis of the corresponding Contracted Service Confirmation and after accepting the nominations for the use of interruptible capacities within the scope of the SBU service use.
    • Booking forms for individual firm services you can find at 3.1.
    • sale of not-withdrawn gas upon the order of the endorsee who holds the warehouse receipt (mortgage bond or receipt) or after expiry/termination of the Agreement;
    • control testing of the gas meter accuracy and of other measuring equipment at the request of the User in an authorised service centre accompanied by the expertise of the State Office for Metrology or at a legal entity authorised for gas meter certification;
    • gas quality control at the request of the User;
    • issuance of a warehouse receipt (mortgage bond or receipt);
    • monthly fee for reporting to ACER the daily gas quantity in storage according the REMIT provisions;
    • transfer of storage capacities in the secondary market – seller’s fee;
    • transfer of storage capacities in the secondary market – buyer’s fee;
    • recording of stored gas trade to the User gas seller;
    • recording of stored gas trade to the User gas buyer;
    • access to the platform and opening of a balance account for the storage capacity buyer on the secondary market who doesn’t have a valid Gas Storage Agreement;
    • monthly fee for maintaining the balance account of the storage capacity buyer on the secondary market who doesn’t have a valid Gas Storage Agreement.
Pursuant to provisions of the Methodology for determining prices of non-standard services for the transport of gas, allocation of gas, gas storage, reception and dispatch of LNG and public service of gas supply (Official Gazette No: 48/18; 25/19;134/21;9/22), the Storage system Operator provided non-standard services charged according to the valid Price List of non-standard services issued by HERA.