

Dear current and future users of the Gas Storage System.

We hereby inform you that the Gas Storage System Operator, in accordance with the Article 72 c of the Storage Code (Official Gazette No.: 50/18, 23/20), announces relevant information regarding contracting storage capacities - Standard bundled units (hereinafter: SBU)  which will be available from 1st of April  2021 till 31th of March 2026 available number of SBU:

2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
54 54 54 54 54

SBU is defined by the following parameters:

1. working volume, where the working volume of one SBU is determined in the amount of 50 GWh,
2. associated dependence injection curve for storage years 2021-2025,
3. associated dependence withdrawal curve for storage years 2021-2025.
  • period for which the lease of the SBU service available = 5 years,
  • deadline for submitting the SBU reservation request= 19th of June 2020.
  • deadline for notification on the number of SBUs allocated based on the requests received= 26th of June 2020.
The request for reservation of SBU is submitted in accordance with the conditions and in the manner prescribed by the Storage Code:
  • Request for reservation of SBU is submitted on the form: Request for reservation of standard package of storage capacity (unofficial translation).
  • The delivery of the request for the reservation of the SBU is a binding offer by the applicant for contracting the service of the SBU.
  • The request for the reservation of the SBU contains the following:
  • name of the applicant, including the official and operational contacts;
  • the requested number of SBUs for each storage year for which the request is submitted
  • period to which the request applies.
  • The request for the reservation of a SBU must be accompanied by the following:
  • excerpt from the court registry or suitable evidence which proves that the person is authorised to act on the behalf of the applicant;
  • copy of a valid license for carrying out energy activities which entitles him to access the Storage;
  • form of solvency BON 1 and BON 2 which are not older than 30 days for companies which have their headquarters located in the Republic of Croatia,
  • proof of payment of a cash deposit or a bank bid bond in the amount equal to 10% of the storage service value from the submitted request, provided that the amount cannot be less than 100,000.00 HRK or greater than 1,300,000.00 HRK , and which shall be returned by the Operator to the applicant within eight days from the date of receipt of the means of payment security referred to in the Certificate of Contracted Service;
    •       by way of derogation the applicant may also submit a regular debenture, which the Operator shall return to the applicant within eight days from the receipt of the means of payment security referred to in the Certificate of Contracted Service, only in the case of a written approval of the Operator after the creditworthiness evaluation upon the inquiry of the applicant and the previously submitted BON 1 and BON 2 solvency forms at least 5 business days before the deadline for submitting the reservation request.
  • Delivery of SBU reservation request:

- The Request is delivered to the Operator exclusively by registered mail with the indication: "Request for reservation of SBU", where it is considered that the Operator received the request for reservation of SBU at the time of delivery of the same to the post office,
- The Operator shall reject the requests for reservation of SBU with which the applicants did not submit the attachments referred to in Article 40, paragraph 7 of the Storage Code, as well as those that were not submitted in the manner prescribed by the Storage Code.
   •    The lease of the SBU service in the period from 1st of April 2021 till 31th of March 2026 will be contracted on the basis of:
- Gas Storage Agreement (unofficial translation)
- Confirmation of Contracted Service of the SBU (unofficial translation)
- Confirmation on the contracted lease service of interruptible non-nominated withdrawal capacity on a daily basis (unofficial translation)
- Confirmation of contracted lease service of interruptible non-nominated injection capacity on a daily basis (unofficial translation)
- Agreement on access to the storage system operator's information platform  (unofficial translation)
- Information about the natural person for whom the user requests access rights for the its platform (unofficial translation) 
- Form of Bank Guarantee
Individual firm services:  

If the Operator regarding its technical storage characteristics is in a position to offer some of the individual firm services, he will notify potential users in a timely fashion.