On the basis of provisions of Article 40.7. of the new Storage Code (12/2016) and theAmendment to the Storage Code, the Operator will receive the requests for the reservation of standard packages of storage capacities (Form no: Z-SBU-001-2017) until the January 31, 2017. The request can be filled on a work day from 8:00 AM until 3:00 PM (Monday – Friday) or it can be delivered by registered mail, which has to be received by the Operator (at the address Veslačka 2-4, 10 000 Zagreb) no later than January 31, 2017 until 3:00 PM. The request must be delivered in a closed envelope marked “ZAHTJEV ZA REZERVACIJU SBU-a – NE OTVARATI“ The Operator will not include in the allocation procedure requests received after 3:00 PM on the January 31, 2017.
In accordance with Article 40.7. of the Storage Code the following needs to be enclosed with the request:
excerpt from the court registry or suitable evidence which proves that the person is authorised to act on the behalf of the applicant;
copy of a valid license for carrying out energy activities which entitles him to access the Storage;
form of solvency BON 1 and BON 2 which are not older than 30 days for companies which have their headquarters located in the Republic of Croatia,
financial reports for the previous three years for companies which have their headquarters located outside of the Republic of Croatia, or other relevant proof of financial capability in accordance with the provisions of the country where the applicant's headquarters are located respectively.
ordinary debenture for the seriousness of the bid in an amount equal to 10% of the value of the storage service from the delivered request, with the condition that the amount cannot be less than 100,000.00 HRK or greater than 1,300,000.00 HRK, and which the Operator will return to the Applicant after the Storage Agreement is mutually signed.
Ova stranica upotrebljava kolačiće
Nužni kolačići - omogućuju interakciju s uslugom ili internetskom lokacijom kako biste mogli pristupiti osnovnim značajkama za pružanje te usluge. Odnose se na zatraženu uslugu kao što je, npr. identifikator sesije trenutačnog posjeta.
Funkcionalni kolačići - omogućuju internetskoj stranici pružanje poboljšane funkcionalnosti i personalizaciju, npr. pamćenje jezika na kojem se prikazuje sadržaj stranica toga internetskog mjesta.
Statistički kolačići - omogućuju prikupljanje podataka u agregiranom obliku bez identificiranja samoga korisnika. Služe za praćenje ponašanja korisnika na internetskoj stranici u svrhu istraživanja tržišta i praćenja analitike. Ovi uvidi omogućuju internetskoj stranici poboljšavanje sadržaja i razvijanje boljih značajki koje unaprjeđuju korisnički doživljaj.
Marketinški kolačići - omogućuju prikupljanje informacija o navikama i ponašanju korisnika na internetskom mjestu radi objavljivanja relevantnih oglasa za korisnika usklađenih s njegovim interesima. Također se mogu koristiti i za mjerenje učinkovitosti neke kampanje.